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Steam is one of the most common and effective heat transfer mediums used in industry, but it is not the only medium available. Other fluids such as hot water and oil are also used for indirect heating in heat exchangers.

Hospitals and different industries use a lot of steam in their processes. Surplus steam may be used for space heating and tap water heating locally, or sold for use in district heating systems.

All CIP systems require the proper temperature for the cleaning cycle attained by heat exchange, using steam to heat water. Re-evaluating your heat exchanger can optimize your system by saving time.

Utilizing latent heat (steam heating) for heat transfer is far more effective than utilizing sensible heat (hot water or oil heating), as much higher amount of energy is released in a shorter period of time. The secret is in the transfer of heat resulting from the process of condensation. The latent heat contained in steam is released the instant steam condenses into the liquid state. The amount of latent heat released is 2 to 5 times greater than the amount of sensible heat available from hot water (saturated water) after condensation. This latent heat is released instantaneously and is transferred through the heat transfer surface to the product being heated.

It means next list of benefits:

  • Rapid even heating through latent heat transfer
  • Pressure can control temperature
  • High heat transfer coefficient, smaller required heat transfer surface.

In addition, ITM corrugated tube heat exchangers obtained with internal helical ridging a successful method in enhancing heat transfer in tubes, and therefore, in reducing the heat exchanger size.  There is a particular interest in a wide variety of engineering situations, also including heat exchangers for viscous liquids in chemical process and food industry.  The helical corrugation has revealed a type of roughness very suitable in dairy products, since fouling reduction.

In the spirally enhanced geometries, the transition to the turbulent flow can occur at Reynolds number values much lower than 2000. This early transition is accompanied by a significant heat transfer enhancement which assumes values between 1.1 and 6 in the Reynolds number range 300-1800.

Immediate advantages of corrugated tubes are shorter process time because of quicker heat transfer, more homogenous thermal treatment because of the mixed capacity, lower fouling levels because of the high turbulence levels generated and longer running times among cleaning periods.


A number of tubes inside a jacket with one pass on product circuit. The Multitube ITMb and series ITS are welded corrugated heat exchanger.

Flanged tube sheet allows you an easy and quick visual inspection.